30-Day Writing for Self-Care Challenge

I love to write. It’s my favorite form of self-care.

And yet, so often my journals, notebooks, pens and pencils sit untouched.


Why do I resist what I know is so good for me?

Do you do the same?

I’ve decided to give myself a challenge. Write every day, for 30 days in a row.

But who wants to take on a challenge alone? Not me.

So, I decided to invite a few friends.

They LOVED the idea and asked if they could invite a few of their friends.

I started to feel super excited that I wouldn’t be writing alone!

Then I took a walk. (That’s where most of my inspired ideas arrive!)

Why not make this an offering for lots of other people to join? I thought to myself.

And thus was born… The 30 Day Writing for Self-Care Challenge!

Will you join me?

Here’s how it works:

First of all, this is totally FREE. No catches. No offers. Just me looking to get writing and hoping others will feel inspired to join!

Every day, for 30 days, I’ll send you a writing prompt. You’ll receive the prompt as an email.

The prompts are intentionally designed to excavate the thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires that often get pushed deep down inside where they gather dust in the dark.

Let’s bring them to light and make some magic!

What do you need to join?

All you need is simply a willingness to commit a few minutes to yourself each day for 30 days. No special pens or notebooks required. Scraps of paper are all good. A phone. A computer. Whatever floats your boat.

I love old fashioned pencils, pens and paper and find my words flow better that way, but there’s no right or wrong here. No judgement. This is about you finding what works for you.

Why writing?

I’m not going to make you any promises, but here’s what I can tell you from my own personal experience. On the days I write, I’m more productive, patient, self-confident, relaxed—basically just a better human being. And we need more of those on the planet these days, right?

What’s the time commitment?

As little or as much as you like. Let’s call it 5 minutes to the sky’s the limit! Maybe this is the summer you’ll write that book! Or even better, just take a little time for You!

So if this is calling to your heart, please join me!

(If it’s not for you now, please remember to find other ways to take time for yourself and care for you! If we don’t take care of ourselves, who else will?)

Want a peek at a few of the writing prompts you’ll receive each day?

The truth is…

I want to believe that…

The story I’m telling myself is…

Wait, did I just hear you say “But I’m not a writer.” No way! I’m calling BS!

If you’ve ever held a pencil in your hand and scratched out a grocery list, then you’re a writer! If you’ve typed an email or dictated a text, you’re a writer!

I hate to break it to you, but You’re a Writer!  We all are!

So let’s play!

How Do I Sign Up?

That’s easy! Just enter your information in the form on the right, and I will send you the prompts every day!        (And I promise, no spam or ever sharing emails from this girl!)

Who is Kasey Mathews?

Well, I probably should have introduced myself first! As you know by now, my name is Kasey. I am a mother of two, a writer, speaker, book-writing and transformational life coach and the author of two award winning books, Preemie: Lessons in Love, Life and Motherhood and A Mom’s Guide to Creating a Magical Life. I’m currently in the early stages of writing my third book, so too early in this “baby’s” development to share any details! If you’re interested in all my fancy credentials, I have a Masters degree in Education, I’ve taught creative writing workshops for many years, and I have a whole lot of other certifications and trainings under my belt, all of which you can check out on my website www.kaseymathews.com

Any further questions, comments or you just want to say hello, shoot me an email at kasey@kaseymathews.com of find me on Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin.

I’m really excited to write with you!

P.S. Please make sure to check your spam folder if you don’t receive your welcome email after signing up!

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