What It's Like to Work with Me: A Journey of Holistic Coaching

Imagine this: You've reached a point where the life you're living no longer feels quite right. Maybe you're searching for your true purpose, yearning to launch (or grow) a business, write a book or simply wake up feeling refreshed, inspired and present to those you love. Perhaps you've hit a wall-fed up with the nagging feeling of "Is this it?" or exhausted from the loop of self-doubt, lack of motivation, or disconnect from your well-being.
That's where our work together begins. Yet, here's the thing: while it may start with one area-like a goal or a project-it soon becomes clear that everything in your life is connected. My coaching is holistic, which means we explore every part of your life, and as one area shifts, everything else begins to transform.

The Usual Magic: Building a Bridge to Your Dream Life
I call my business The Usual Magic because that's exactly what this work feels like-an extraordinary kind of magic that starts to feel natural and familiar. Together, we use unique systems and tools to change your energy and rewire the neural pathways in your brain. As these shifts happen, your life starts to operate on a higher energetic frequency-a whole new vibration that aligns with the future you're meant to create.
Think of it like building a bridge. On one side is your present self-with all your dreams, frustrations, and hopes. On the other side is the version of your life that feels vibrant, joyful, and aligned. Together, we map out the path from where you are to where you want to be and create your personal formula for transformation.
Kasey is uniquely positioned to facilitate powerful and proven lifelong change for her clients, utilizing her fine-tuned intuitive abilities and solution-oriented coaching, along with a Master’s Degree in Education, Advanced training in Ancestral Clearing, Energy Codes, Reiki, Gateless Writing, Happiness Coaching, Feminine Power and years of experience. By clearing concealed, damaging patterns and fracturing generational beliefs residing in the subconscious, Kasey’s coaching frees her clients to step into a life they once only dreamt of.
Practical and Profound: Balancing the Everyday with Intuitive Wisdom
Working with me is a blend of the practical and the profound. On the practical side, we focus on building sustainable habits, self-care routines, and structures that support your growth. But there's also something much deeper at play-the field of possibility, where we tap into intuitive guidance and divine wisdom in order to clear the blocks and beliefs that have kept you from moving forward.
I often tell clients that 25% of the work is me bringing the tools, frameworks, and foundation building. The other 75% comes from intuitive guidance-both mine and yours. As we work together, you'll develop your own finely tuned intuition, creating a deep sense of self-trust and reliance that stays with you long after our sessions end.
What You'll Experience
Every session is an invitation to transformation. Clients often describe leaving sessions with powerful aha moments-those flashes of clarity that shift something at a deep, soul level. You might walk away with a new perspective, a burst of creative energy, or the exact next step you need to move forward.
This process is as gentle as it is profound. There's space for exploration, laughter, and discovery. We'll dig into practical strategies to help you meet your goals and play in the space of possibility, allowing divine insights to emerge and guide us forward. Most importantly, our time together is always grounded in a safe, supportive environment.

Stepping into the Usual Magic
At its heart, this coaching journey is about helping you align with your highest self. We'll create a life that reflects your values, dreams, and deepest desires. You'll experience a shift as your energy rises to a new vibration, and you'll notice that your life starts to flow in new, exciting ways. This is the "usual magic"-a profound, yet natural, transformation that becomes your new normal.
If you're ready to build your bridge and step into a higher frequency, let's explore what's possible. The magic is already within you. I'll meet you there.
What people are saying
If you are considering working with, or are on the fence about working with a coach, I want to share my experience and takeaways in the past months that I have worked with Kasey Mathews as mine.
I love using analogy as a teacher, so let's begin the story there…
I brought to our first session the "Board Game" of my life. The pieces were kind of scattered about everywhere, some of them didn't even belong to the game, and I quickly realized that I was not mindfully choosing the pieces, I wasn't rolling my own dice, OR even aware of what game I was playing. I couldn't find my token on the board, (she was buried) and I didn't have a clear idea of what it took to win or where I was supposed to be going.
TOGETHER, Kasey helped me to take stock.
We paused the game and took a bird's eye view. She helped me dust off my token and take a look at it and decide if I REALLY wanted to be the wheelbarrow, a pawn, or would I prefer to be something else entirely? Do I even want to be playing this game?
In these life-changing months, we worked on:
- Boundaries
- Self-care and routine
- Relationships
- Growing my business
- Confidence
- Learning to express and embrace my outer voice
- Listening to my inner voice and get more clarity on "Yes" vs. "No" (move six spaces, vs. move just one…). For the record, I thought my yes/no muscle was totally non-existent.
- Overwhelm
- And so much more!
On Kasey's website, she describes herself as a Transformational Life Coach, and I would daresay that "Transformational" is an understatement.
I am in a completely different place from when I began, the landscape has totally shifted in my life. And now I feel that as I begin to daringly ask myself the question of what I want next, for once, I am not paralyzed and shrugging my shoulders and saying, "Someone else just choose me!"
If you are looking for this kind of shift in your own life, I cannot recommend working with Kasey enough!
I had an incredible experience working with Kasey. She has an amazing energy and knowledge base. She truly cares about what she does and has a great balance of listening and coaching. As a fellow writer, coach and speaker, I was excited to work with and learn from her as she was a few steps ahead of me. She shared generously and didn't let me hold back or stall on things that she knew would make a difference. She helped me gain clarity on the direction of my business and helped me talk through aspects of my personal life as well. After each session I left feeling empowered and pumped up. She also opened up my spiritual side and helped me lean deeper into my own intuition and power. She is a joy to work with so if you are thinking about it, I say go for it!
I am a mom of two. One daughter who is our angel baby, that we lost at nine days old, and a one year old son, our only living child.
When I came across Kasey's information, I was struggling. When my son came home, there was a lot of healing that happened, but also trauma and triggers beyond what I could have ever imagined.
I knew I was not healthy and had started a healthy eating plan which was causing me to lose a lot of weight and feel better physically, but mentally, I was spent.
I was trying to juggle an infant while also running a foundation created in my daughter's name, and forgetting about myself and my relationship with my husband. Most days, it felt like I was waking up completely exhausted, pushing myself through the day, never truly stopping, and then collapsing at night. I felt like I was doing everything, but not doing anything well.
After the initial call with Kasey, I learned I needed focus and not do the racing, balancing act where Michelle was lost in the shuffle.
I was hopeful, but also feared this was going to be another journey in which I felt more and more like a failure. Yet, the complete opposite happened.
Kasey was so friendly, sweet, understanding, and helpful. She somehow just seemed to know when I needed her to be tough and direct, and when I needed a little bit of maternal/coaching care.
The ancestral clearings have been monumental in my life and have let me release feelings that I didn't even know I had buried under so many protective layers. I also learned for the first time really how to make myself a priority and not feel guilty for it. I learned how to plan and structure my days and my time so that I was giving my best to all the various facets of my life. I feel like I became a better mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, and professionally. I learned to prioritize and the fact that I cannot do it all and that no matter how much work I do.
I cannot bring my daughter back, but I am calmer, happier and more relaxed. I actually take time for myself every day, I am the mom I always wanted to be. When I'm with my son, I am fully with him and not thinking about a million other things I should be doing, and I feel good about myself.
I'm still a work in progress, but I also know that I'm a damn good masterpiece at the same time. And a lot of this is thanks to Kasey as my coach, guide, and mentor!
At this moment I am someone who doesn't recognize who they were six months ago before I had started working with Kasey! I was a person with dreams and desires but no goals. I knew I was meant for "more" but wasn't sure what "more" was, or how to get there. It was all so vague, blurry and overwhelming.
Initially I was trying to solve "the next step", what it was and how I was going to get there. What it turned into was addressing problems with my mindset, limiting beliefs, self-talk and the story I had clung on to for decades too long. Before connecting with Kasey I couldn't even articulate what it was that I actually needed…. I just knew that I needed help. My inability to anchor in any forward thinking beliefs had become crippling to taking that next step. I honestly can't even remember how Kasey's name had come into my world. I had interviewed another coach and thought it was a great connection. But then on a whim I spoke with Kasey and felt "it". The magic started from our very first exploratory call and I knew she was the one.
My experience with Kasey was MAGICAL! Why? Because every day I'd have a moment of self-realization of the growth that has happened. Kasey provided an opportunity for me to dive deep below the surface to really unearth some dusty old beliefs I had created when I was much younger. Without cleaning up my beliefs, regardless of how much work I did to move forward, like a NASCAR race, I would keep coming back to the same place, over, and over, and over again. Unbenounced to Kasey, more than *just* a coach, she became my advisor, my truth finder, a person I genuinely couldn't wait to speak with every couple weeks and a great friend.
The transformation, initially, was a little more subtle, like a giant cruise liner slowly changing course by a few degrees. Initially, that boat only moved a few inches off course, but as it continues to travel, the trajectory has grown from inches, to feet, to miles, to days of travel away from where it was originally. What this means is that even though we don't have regular calls anymore, the changes continue daily. My mental muscles are growing and building resilience and it's hard to me to even understand how I used to once think. I'm still challenged with certain thoughts but instead of returning back to that race track I was once on, I find myself challenged with new issues, and issues that I can work through. What's exciting to me now, however, is that I know my growth has only just begun and I know I have Kasey in my corner for when I'm ready to dive back in.
It was hard to not see some of my belief systems come crashing down as we tackled them head on, specifically my limiting beliefs and my money mindset. We worked on these pesky buggers time and again. Kasey would catch me mid-sentence, or write down something I had unknowingly said and bring it to my attention. When someone is holding a mirror to how you portray yourself, there are very few places to hide. The changes I'm beginning to see now are more after-shock effects; my communication with my husband, my ability to see opportunity instead of negativity, my overall belief in what I'm capable of…. that part is what money just can't buy.
For years my story has prevented me from taking risks with a crippling fear of failure…. but Kasey listened as I spoke, as my world revolved around me and time and again she would pull out proof that I am actually a person that is not afraid of life, that I take risks on a very regular basis and that I celebrate my achievements in other places in my life and have been withholding this celebration from my accomplishments with what I've created. Those days are gone. Every day I look at myself and say "HELL YES!"
Thank you Kasey, the words will never suffice. You are doing critical work or helping people up and dusting them so they can continue their journey. I'm forever grateful you've come into my life xo
I was disconnected with my authentic self and after trying for years to heal from past trauma and hurt, I was not getting anywhere. I needed a coach, so I was looking for a coach with a holistic approach and healing abilities.
I was feeling very empty and detached from my soul. I was unable to find any meaning in my life and I had reached a point in my career where I was experiencing all the symptoms of burnout, plus. I was suffering from chronic stress and anxiety brought on by the demands of my job and family.
Working with Kasey has simply been amazing! She refers to her work as magic and I do too! I was never looking for or seeing any magic prior to working with Kasey. Now I see it all the time! It is everywhere. She immediately set me on a path of reconnecting with myself and my soul. It felt incredible to feel that connection again. It is hard to explain, but she knows exactly what you need to propel you forward. She set me on a path of placing selfcare at the forefront. It has been life changing for me.
My life has been transformed in so many ways. I am more at peace, relaxed, joyful and on a path of course correcting my career to feel greater satisfaction and reward. She opened the healing modalities to me, and I have explored my dormant interest in it along with many other things. Kasey is highly intuitive, and I love this about her.
It's hard to admit, but I have struggled my entire life with many of the symptoms that are now gone! It truly has been a joy to work with Kasey. She is understanding, caring, loving and available. She puts herself in your shoes and you feel that someone finally "gets you". She makes you feel like you matter. She is a natural at what she does!
I am a number person, so I feel like words cannot adequately capture "Kasey". She is one in a million!
I'd been working within the Banking sector for 25+ years in various roles from operations to management and made several attempts to jump off the hamster wheel and change direction. I had ideas swirling around my head but with no firm plan of action of how to get from A to Z.
I met Kasey and she was like the 'rescue remedy' I needed. After the initial discovery session, I knew from her energy and approach that we would work well together. Kasey helped me to acknowledge my true potential, instilled confidence and self-belief, especially since the area of work I was moving into, I wasn't the 'expert' I thought I needed to be. But she proved me wrong, I didn't need to an expert, I needed to bring my authentic self, my experiences and my enthusiasm for the subject.
What also amazed me about working with Kasey was the practical guidance she provided to help me move forward. I always felt energized after each session and if I ever forgot something we spoke about, I could refer back to our recording which she provides after each session.
Kasey's techniques of helping to unleash your potential are incredible. I always looked forward to beginning the session with a moment to get centered with light mediation/breathing. A way for my mind and body to be balanced before starting. This was essential for me as I'd often rushed from doing something else prior to my session started and my mind wasn't always in the right place to begin.
Accountability is a fundamental part of Kasey's practice. She gently challenges you to make progress and that's why she helps you set activities that you'd be comfortable with achieving, within a mutually agreed timeframe.
My sessions have been life changing. I've now embarked on a Master's Degree in Sports Management, a field I never thought I'd become a specialist in, so from Finance to Football (soccer to the US folk), here I come. I am still at the beginning of my journey, but with Kasey's help I now feel confident to go all the way. I look forward to the future, buy enjoying the journey while it's in progress!
Working with Kasey has truly been transformational for me in the most positive way. Before working with Kasey I felt that I was on the verge of something great, but could not quite put my finger on what that was. Kasey's guidance proved to be exactly what I needed. After just two sessions with her, it became clear. I began working to launch my own coaching business and haven't looked back since!
Kasey continues to guide me in my business and personal life. She is an active listener, has the ability to make me feel comfortable enough to truly open up, and her spiritual guidance is unmatched. She is always sharing helpful resources with me and pushing me to my edges and beyond. I would recommend Kasey to anyone looking to make a commitment to growth and personal transformation in their own life. She will guide you to move the needle in the best way!
Working with Kasey Mathews has been nothing short of magical. The work we have done together has pushed me and evolved me into growing and becoming a much better, healthier and well-rounded version of myself. We began our work together seven months ago to focus mainly on my business however, I had no idea what was around the corner that would make me appreciate Kasey and our time together more than anything.
Shortly after starting our coaching, some big events happened in my life. Over the course of 3 months, I had three deaths in my family, I moved my business, my fiancé and I purchased a home and we got married. Throughout that time, our work moved into a personal journey. Kasey was there for me on a deep emotional level and I honestly can say that I do not feel I would have been able to get through those losses, the move of the business, the purchasing of a home, and our wedding, if it was not for working with her.
Kasey will give you tangible suggestions and assignments to work on to continue to grow and push yourself. Prior to working with her, I felt scattered. I was trying to "do it all" and felt like I was coming up short within every aspect of my life. I didn't know what it meant to slow down and I was always running on adrenaline and working from a place of fear and striving for perfection.
After working with Kasey, I have learned to slow down. I have seen a shift in myself that runs deep. It has flowed over into my business, my family and my marriage and I feel like I am growing into the person I always knew I could be, I just didn't know how to get there.
I have loved my work with Kasey so much that I have decided to continue coaching with her and grow my practice. If you want to continue to play small, Kasey is not for you. If you are ready to grow and push yourself, even when it's uncomfortable and when it's messy, Kasey is your person. She is there for you and in your corner, if you are ready to play big. She will hold you accountable for lasting change. I have referred her to many other small business owners and friends as she is like my own fairy godmother! My work with her came at a time in my life that was messy and I truly feel that I was sent Kasey to help grow and evolve for lasting change. She is magic and the work you will do with her will be life-altering.
As I was navigating challenging times with my family, Kasey's newsletter popped up in my inbox, and I knew immediately I had to reach out to her. That was the first of many magical moments Kasey has shown me. Over the months that Kasey and I worked together she encouraged me to create habits and ways to be more organized and in control of my life. She taught me to be more compassionate with myself, more grounded, intentional and to prioritize the things in life that fuel my soul, so I could get through all the other parts of life with more enjoyment. Kasey guided me with her warmth and compassion and enlightened me with her beautiful wisdom. I am forever grateful. I feel more connected to my family, my own intuition and the universe as a whole, and I feel more magic.
Before I began working with Kasey, I was just checking off the boxes of my busy life: work, home family and repeat, never living in the present. Moreover, there was no time to devote to my passion for writing. Kasey introduced me to her Magical Living 4 Fundamentals Daily Planner, and thus began a tremendous shift in my life. With Kasey's gentle, insightful guidance, I realized the biggest item missing from my to do list was ME and my soul. In our sessions, Kasey offers helpful observations, tools and exercises that help me find the time in my life for my writing, and time to nurture my spiritual and mental well being. Almost every day, something we have discussed manifests itself in my life. My writing is flowing like never before and it really is magical. I work in a high stress corporate environment that I felt was killing my soul. Kasey helped me see a new way to approach and think about my work, and I am now able to bring positive energy to my workplace, where I look at situations with fresh eyes and a different attitude. Anxiety has been replaced by complete peace. I have learned how to live in the present, focusing on what is important. It has made all the difference.
Not long after we began meeting, I experienced an unexpected health crisis. Thanks to Kasey, I had tools at my disposal to maintain a sense of peace and mindfulness throughout the days leading up to surgery and recovery, and I am convinced this has helped me heal faster. I have learned even more about myself in the process. The old me would have been overwhelmed with anxiety. Instead I found peace, healing and even joy during this introspective time in my life.
I was a coach in search of my voice and my market. I had clients before working with Kasey and was struggling to find my marketing approach. Our initial meeting was at a conference in which we were some of the last people leaving the room. She was presented as a writing coach with a book about her experience with her daughter. I didn't see this as a fit for me as a coach but wanted to have a meeting to network. By the time we ended the networking meeting a couple weeks later I was clear Kasey was the coach I would use to help me connect with my truth as a coach and my voice for my audience. Through our time together I felt supported with her fully committed to not only my success but my transformation of how I viewed myself. Trust your instinct if you are drawn to her as it is your message, she is your person. Work with her and find your voice.
Kasey has a way of asking questions that make you look at your choices in a different light. She brings a lot of joy and fun to her coaching, and has helped me shift many different areas of my life, from motherhood, to how I run my business, to how I take care of myself. She's helped me beat overwhelm and the constant low-level anxiety that was my life for years. I'm quite literally a different person than I was 6 months ago, pre-Kasey.
Kasey holds you accountable and keeps you on a very deliberate path while also allowing for the unseen magic of intuition to play an important roll in taking you in the direction best for you.
I've been working with Kasey as a book coach-turned life coach-turned one of my favorite cheerleaders to have in my corner, constantly inspiring me and holding space for me to live the life I've always wanted to live.
Over the past year, I've written and completed the first draft of my very first book and I've truly stepped into my dream life. I feel as though I can do anything I want to do in this lifetime, and I can accredit so much of that confidence and trust to working with Kasey.
She's a role model, and I truly feel as though she wants to see myself, and others, shine their brightest. Today, I see the magic I had been overlooking for far too long, and I feel grateful to not only be doing this work with Kasey but to be doing it on my own as well.
If working with Kasey feels aligned, I encourage you to listen to that feeling and don't look back.
When I first learned of life coaching, I assumed it was someone who just cheered you on saying, rah-rah, you can do it. But when a friend insisted I talk with Kasey, I learned that there is so much depth to her work as she took me through a process that allowed me to create a life I had only imagined was possible. Her work is amazing, and I am a true believer. For anyone who is ready to live everyday feeling truly happy and fulfilled, don't wait. It is possible and Kasey will get you there.
Kasey is amazing.
She uses her "magic" wisely, gracefully and intuitively, sharing golden seeds that take root and grow into sturdy trees from which we can hang our swings and soar safely with glee.
I love love love the way she works and how she shows up. Pure Magic!
My time with Kasey has been transformational. What began as a simple request to learn how to capture my thoughts and ideas on paper has evolved into a joyous daily writing practice. Kasey has been more than a writing teacher; she has been a spiritual guide. She guided me with patience and love and helped me to conquer my fears. She taught me to listen to the callings of my soul and challenged me to grow in new and exciting ways. My life has been transformed and forever changed.
Kasey's perspective and intuition are astounding. She is able to ask thought provoking questions, sit with calmness, and guide you to a place of introspection and clarity. Her personal journey and life lessons are captured so beautifully as she transforms these experiences into lessons for you to explore and feel. She allows you to unpeel the layers of life and discover the subtle gifts that we walk among but so often miss. Kasey challenges conventional thought and leads you to a new perspective and appreciation for yourself and your family.
As a former USA National Team Coach for Women's Gymnastics, I appreciate foundational basic concepts and processes that produce results. Being a coach, I know great coaching when I see it. Kasey is helping me with the book I started on my own, over 10 years ago. The innovating and creative exercises and tools she's shared with me, have allowed me to enhance my writing skills and move forward with my book. Her intuitive insights are teaching me how to paint a picture, and turn my stories into a visual "movie," giving my readers exactly what they want and need. Kasey's balanced practical and intuitive approach to writing, is not only effective, but highly productive. Kasey Mathews is a one stop shop for all your needs in whatever writing endeavor you are involved in. I recommend working with Kasey if you are ready to stop thinking about your writing and actually get it down on the page.
Working with Kasey helped me open up and write from my heart. I thoroughly enjoyed the coaching sessions and assignments she gave me which really helped me take my writing to a much deeper level. Her encouragement and engagement were phenomenal.
In working with Kasey, I've not only honed my writing skills and written a soon-to-be-published book, but I've also learned how to live my life to the absolute fullest. She taught me how to discover and capture my writer's spirit and energy and bring that to life on the page. At the same time, she ignited my writer's soul and showed me how to store that in the form of solar power energy and tap into it when I needed it most to cross the finish line. There's a science behind her magic that I don't necessarily understand, but it causes a bursting chemistry of words! I can't say it enough - Kasey brings sunshine to life and is a true rock star!
Whether you are a seasoned writer needing some help to get back on track, or someone like myself, attempting to write memoir for the first time, Kasey Mathews is the coach to call. From the start, Kasey understood my personality and steered my gifts in the direction they needed to go. Her intuition, spirit, and knowledge brought MAGIC to my story through words that were my very own. If you are looking for a writing coach, she is the right one. Beautiful inside and out with the greatest laugh, ease of teaching and a heart so warm she will melt yours! She is a truly gifted woman.
Kasey was more than a writing coach - she was a mentor and a friend. She provided insight with all areas of life while removing writing blocks. Her total transformation program was exactly what I needed to be able to bring my book to life. Her beginning and ending techniques to center before each session were so unique and always brought calm and clarity to each session. She knew exactly what I needed for each call and was always so accommodating with my needs.
Kasey is an unbelievable person and is an expert in her craft.
Since working with Kasey, I have been able to silence the lies of all my I can'ts. I have a vision, a direction, clarity and the confidence to know that with support from Kasey this book is coming to completion. I look forward to every session - she is my greatest cheerleader and support. I am grateful to have her share her gifts and talents and be on this journey along with me. She keeps me accountable and always knows how to get me unstuck and moving forward so I can serve and help more people on their healing journey beyond divorce toward a life full of love.