I think of my books as these incredible beings that arrived in my life with the intent of helping and serving others on their journeys. I have witnessed first hand, in my own life, and those of my clients, that writing has the power to heal.

My story began when I thought I'd given birth to the smallest baby ever born. She arrived four months prematurely, weighing one pound, eleven ounces. I was desperate for someone who could understand what I was going through, hold my hand and tell me I would get through this. But no one arrived, and I was lost and lonely. I didn't have a preemie book that could guide me or reassure me through this process.
Which is why I wrote Preemie, a book whose universal message has inspired thousands of readers from all around the world.

A Mom's Guide to Creating A Magical Life
Written for the overwhelmed Mom who's looking for more joy, playfulness and serenity in her life, A Mom's Guide to Creating a Magical Life is like a GPS for your soul. This is one of the best books for moms looking for simple and easy to use tools to help you feel more grounded within yourself, and more patient and present with your family and everyone else you meet throughout your days.