Aging has been on my mind lately. I’ve been thinking a lot about how to embrace aging and fully and truly enjoy life more at every age and stage.
Most often I publish my written pieces here on the blog, yet I was thrilled to have an article called, On Vanity and Vulnerability, in which I explore fears and anxieties around aging, published on
Here is a short excerpt –
“While recently looking into the round makeup mirror on the shelf in my closet, I noticed the emergence of vertical lines on my upper lip.
I don’t think they’re necessarily new, but my attention on them certainly is.
I started researching serums, creams, lotions and everything else I could do to remedy them.
Every time I looked in the mirror, they were the first, and nearly only thing I noticed.
On a recent walk in the woods, rather than seeing the evergreen on the trees and the brightness of the snow, I realized I was thinking about the lines on my upper lip.”
Feeling Vulnerable Sharing Anxiety about Aging
Putting those words out in the world induced feelings of great vulnerability and anxiety, and which, once you read the full article, you’ll understand how ironic that is.
And yet, after the article was published, I heard back from so many women who could relate to my struggles about aging and we’re so open and happy to share their own.
It’s Time to Embrace Aging and Enjoy Life More
Once again I was reminded that there is so much comfort in knowing we are not alone.
Each and every day, we’re all a day older. For some of us, we’re farther along the path, and aspects of aging are challenging to contend with.
And yet, what a gift and blessing it is to wake each and every day, wrinkles and all!
You can read the article here – Kasey Mathews
I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.
You may also enjoy this recent post on How to Feel Better About Yourself!