This week I’ll be writing to you from Vail, Colorado, where we’re headed with the kids for their vacation week. At the moment I’m writing to you from 22,000 feet somewhere in the air over Massachusetts en route to NYC where we change planes for Colorado.
Earlier this morning it became perfectly clear where last week’s posts on anxiety originated. Traveling stresses me out. My husband would say that “stressed out” is an understatement. Why is it that as women we have to have every article of clothing laundered, every dish washed and every bill paid before we can possibly leave for more than a few days? Don’t you hate that?
I was actually doing ok leading up to the trip, until this morning when i kinda lost my shit. I was online, checking in for our flights, only to discover that we didn’t have seat assignments for the return trip and there weren’t any seats available together without paying an up charge for first class. That was all it took. I walked into the kitchen sobbing, attempting to explain to Lee why I was so upset, why it was imperative that we as a family sit together on the plane!
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This week I’ll be writing to you from Vail, Colorado, where we’re headed with the kids for their vacation week. At the moment I’m writing to you from 22,000 feet somewhere in the air over Massachusetts en route to NYC where we change planes for Colorado.
Earlier this morning it became perfectly clear where last week’s posts on anxiety originated. Traveling stresses me out. My husband would say that “stressed out” is an understatement. Why is it that as women we have to have every article of clothing laundered, every dish washed and every bill paid before we can possibly leave for more than a few days? Don’t you hate that?
I was actually doing ok leading up to the trip, until this morning when i kinda lost my shit. I was online, checking in for our flights, only to discover that we didn’t have seat assignments for the return trip and there weren’t any seats available together without paying an up charge for first class. That was all it took. I walked into the kitchen sobbing, attempting to explain to Lee why I was so upset, why it was imperative that we as a family sit together on the plane!