Last Saturday morning the alarm rang at 4:30 am.
A cold, dark sky met my view out the window. I rolled over and thought of all the reasons we should not be going to the scheduled weekend event.
We’ve been traveling so much lately, the house is a mess, the kids are exhausted, I have so much laundry to do, the bills are piled up on the counter, and my bed is so cozzzzy.
Then I heard a voice in my head say, “Overwhelm is a choice.”
I rolled back over and stared up at the ceiling, allowing myself to hear the words again.
Overwhelm is a choice.
And right at that moment, I made a choice.
I chose to not feel overwhelmed.
It was 4:30 in the morning, but I realized I wasn’t actually tired.
And rather than think of all that would be left undone for the weekend, I thought of all the potential joy for us as a family.
I felt my whole body shift and relax.
I easily climbed out of bed to put on the tea kettle, start the car, gather snacks, blankets and pillows for the ride and greet my family with an early morning smile.
And I thought about my role as Mom, and just how much my mood sets the tone for the family.
Overwhelm is a Choice.
What a gift to have received such wise words – and show up calm, composed and open to all the wonders of time spent fully present and engaged with my family.
Remember, You get to Choose How You Show Up in Your Life.
“Your environment does not create your peace, your peace creates your environment.” (