Magical Moment: The Story I’m Telling Myself

I have a question for you?

Is there a not-so-nice sentence or phrase you repeatedly say to yourself, or about yourself? Something that you just casually put out there without thinking a whole lot about it? Something like – I’m such a klutz…or I’m an idiot…or I have the worst luck…or Here we go again…or What have I done now?

For years, mine was always – I’m so disorganized.

Over and over, I’d tell myself and anyone who’d listen, I’m so disorganized and then laugh and list off all my latest blunders to prove my point.

Kid’s school lunches left on the counter… Missed bill payments… Lost paperwork…Doctors calling to ask why I missed an appointment.

For years, I spun in circles chasing after an elusive feeling of organization that somehow seemed just beyond my grasp.

Until the day a new friend stopped by to visit.

We were standing at my kitchen island, and I casually waved my hand around and said as usual, I’m totally disorganized.

She stood quietly for a moment and looked down at the long, wooden kitchen island and then around at the rest of the kitchen and said, You look pretty organized to me.

I was about to tell her how mistaken she was, but something stopped me, and for a brief moment I paused just long enough to look around and see my house through her eyes.

To my surprise, I was looking at a pretty orderly space. If we’d started opening drawers and closets it would have been a different story, but for the most part, things looked pretty darn organized.

Photo credit Jessica Lewis

What the heck?

After my friend left, I slowly walked through the entire house, room by room, just noticing. It wasn’t going to win any awards, but for the most part, it was an organized house.

In the office, I opened one of the file cabinets. Manila folders lined up in an orderly fashion with labels affixed to each one. There was a pile of papers on top of the desk that needed to be filed, but still, there was a system in place to do so.

I remember standing all alone in the office and laughing to myself, then saying out loud, “I’m actually pretty organized.”

I’d told myself that disorganization story so often and so repeatedly, it had become a belief. Not only that, it was a belief I was putting out into the world, and I was unintentionally making sure I was proving myself right!

Back in that moment, I’d made a decision; a pledge of sorts. I will never, ever again say I’m disorganized. Or, in fact, make any other negative statements about myself.

What I had come to understand was that I was unintentionally creating exactly what I did not want to see in my life.

Do you ever do that? Without even realizing it? Put out the energetic energy of what you don’t want to attract into your life?

I’m such a klutz. I’m such an idiot. I have the worst luck. I’m terrible with money. Nothing ever works out for me. I’m so disorganized.

I remind myself, and my coaching clients, to remember that when we have limiting beliefs, we’re unconsciously setting everything up around ourselves to prove ourselves right. What we put out into the world, reflects back to us and becomes the world we see around us. In other words, We’re creating our own reality.

So what does it look like when we’re mindful of the language we use?

I’m getting more and more organized every day.

I’m conscious and mindful of how I move my body through my days.

Good love, energy, and opportunities are coming my way.

Your turn.

Start to notice. Where and when you do undermine yourself? No judgement. Just bring in awareness and see if you can turn that not so helpful thought around into a positive.

I’m here if you need any help!

Photo by Nicholas Sampson

Are You Ready to Dream Big?

What’s your deepest desire? Do you dare say it out loud? Or do you worry what people will think?

What if I were to tell you there’s so much more in store for your life? What if you opened yourself up to the possibility that you CAN have your deepest desire?

What if you gave yourself permission to allow yourself to dream big? Dream MUCH bigger than you’ve ever allowed yourself to dream before? If you need help to see the endless possibilities in store for you, I’d love to connect and have a conversation about where you currently are and help you paint the picture of where you’re dreaming to go.

Shoot me an email and we can set up a time to talk,

or book an online appointment HERE.



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