Awaken Your Magic

Every day I consciously look for moments of magic in the midst of my often busy, sometimes crazy days. I hope my moments inspire you to look for your own…

premature birth

Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

Magical Moment: Can You Be Certain?

Hey Sweet Friend, I’ve been thinking a lot about you and wondering how you are. How you’re adjusting to this “new normal.” So much of this time reminds me of when our daughter, Andie was born so prematurely. That was a time full of so much uncertainty. It was scary, confusing and exhausting. Just like … Continue Reading

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Here’s to Endings and New Beginnings

                        I am the proud Mama of a high school graduate! For all of you who have followed my book, Preemie: Lessons in Love, Life, and Motherhood and know the story of our girl’s birth, you know that moments like these hold an extra … Continue Reading

The Magic and Messiness of Motherhood

Hello Friend! This weekend I’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day with my mom and my daughter, as we travel up to Syracuse, NY for a couple of book events! On Thursday, I’ll be speaking at an event for a local hospital that’s doing a huge NICU expansion to better meet the needs of families throughout the … Continue Reading

my daughter playing the recorder with nice big breaths

Growing a Sequoia Tree in New Hampshire

Growing a Sequoia Tree in New Hampshire Eleven years ago I gave birth to a baby who needed machines to breathe. Which is why I can’t wait to tell you this story.   It all began with a tree… It was a silly purchase, really.  The nursery was having an end of season sale. It was … Continue Reading

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