There are so many aspects of my book Preemie that were incredibly difficult to write; the first time I saw Andie, not wanting to return to the NICU to see her, my breakdown before her last surgery. But by far the most difficult piece then (and now) is when Andie contracted the dreaded Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).
She was two years old and we’d finally let down our guard. I can still hear that cocky ER doctor’s voice casually saying, “It will be up to her whether she chooses to fight this.”
Andie on her 2nd birthday.
Yet as difficult as it is to talk about that time in our lives, I know others can learn so much from our story.
So I wrote about it, again.
This time it was for a guest post on the wonderful blog, PreemieBabies101.
“This is still the hardest part of the story to tell. The story of my girl born way-too-soon, weighing way-too-little. Because this is the point in the story where we let our guard down. Where we actually let ourselves believe that our girl’s prematurity was behind her; that we were in the clear. It’s the hardest part of the story to tell because we finally met that other shoe that I’d kept waiting to drop ever since we left the NICU. And it’s even harder to tell because I don’t want to scare you. I want you to understand that this is our story; our path. That it was what was supposed to happen to us, not you…”
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