Truth be told, I’ve been really tired lately. But the little voice in my head keeps whispering, “Go, go, go.” Is yours too? Is it time to give yourself permission to rest?
Lately, the little voice inside my head has been urging me to reach out to you through the blog.
“Come on, stay in touch,” says that voice.
Yet, the month of June was incredibly full, and by the end of the month I was exhausted and desperately needing rest. Rest? Who has time for that, right?
But that little voice inside my head keeps urging me!
And being the dutiful woman that I am, every time that voice prodded me I sat with my notebook and pen in hand trying to write. I sat in front of my laptop, trying to write. I tried voice-to-text on my phone, trying to write. But the words simply would not flow.
Hint – I Needed to Rest
Instead, in my mind’s eye, I was shown the image of a wrung out washcloth. Or, even better, my go-to image of an empty, dry well.
So I stood up for myself.
I told that little voice in my head, “I’m tired. I need to rest.”
But if your little voice is anything like mine, she is persistent!
The Voice in My Head Won’t Give Up!
Soon a neighbor passed by my front porch and told me just how much she looks forward to my weekly newsletters… even commenting on the profound change that occurred for her after reading the last post about silencing the negative voice in her head.
That conversation prompted me to yet again pull out my notebook and sit in front of my computer to try and capture the words to write a blog post, but they still weren’t coming!
So I choice another path.
Rather than listening to that persistent little voice in my head, rather than pushing myself, rather than trying, I decided to simply meet myself where I was.
To get quiet, to offer myself lots of rest, deep self-care and slowly, slowly, slowly start replenishing my depleted well.
Then I gave myself permission to rest.
Will you do the same?
When I am tired, I will rest.
I hope you will too.
![giving myself permission to rest on the couch with my dog, Georgie Girl](
My invitation to you…
Give yourself permission to meet yourself where you are and go ahead and take the rest you deserve.
So where are you these days?
How are you feeling?
Does the depleted well metaphor resonate with you?
I’d love to hear.
Leave me a comment hear, or let’s connect over on Insta!