Awaken Your Magic

Every day I consciously look for moments of magic in the midst of my often busy, sometimes crazy days. I hope my moments inspire you to look for your own…

Year: 2011


Edge of September

The kids go back to school next week. Alarm clocks will have to be set. Underwear will have to be worn. Several day old tattered t-shirts will no longer make the grade. We’ll move too quickly for dragonflies to perch on our toes. I’ll have to share the kids with teachers, soccer coaches and friends. … Continue Reading


Building Blocks

My Boy is 13 today. When I look at him my heart flutters in panic – no please stay little and young and mine forever. Then I look at him again and see every moment of my little boy – all the moments and birthdays leading to this one – and know that every bit of my … Continue Reading



Yesterday was my birthday.  I turned 44.  It was my favorite kind of day, quiet and unplanned.  My husband and kids waited on me hand and foot.  “Are you having a good day?” they kept asking.  And I was.  I wrote and read, took a long walk, swam and joined the kids in a water … Continue Reading


The Game of What?

A Friday night dinner with dear friends. We fed our kids and theirs early and sent them upstairs to play board games. An adult evening – Ah.  Lee put on music, I lit candles and our friends uncorked a bottle of wine. The wine was passed and stories were shared. Candle wax dripped onto the … Continue Reading


Summer Reading

When I told my dear friend, Libby Barnett that I was reading The Swiss Family Robinson to the kids this summer, her face lit up.  “My father read that to me when I was a little girl,” she said.  She got a far away look in her eyes and said, “I remember it so clearly.  How I loved the … Continue Reading


Little Ducklings?

Ever year when school resumes in the fall, I count down the days ‘til summer vacation begins.  I can’t wait to get the kids back in my nest, to allow our days a rhythm without alarm clocks, scheduled activities and homework.  To let their sleepy brains awaken over a plate of syrupy pancakes and watch … Continue Reading


Real Women’s Soccer

The only thing my husband wanted for Father’s Day was my participation in the first annual, mother-daughter end-of-season soccer game. It was our first and only free Sunday in June, and the last thing I wanted to do. But by Sunday, I felt guilty about the complaining I’d done all week and decided to embrace … Continue Reading


Independence Day

My dad’s birthday is on the 4th of July. For years we woke to the mixture of him blasting John Phillip Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever and my mother shouts of “Turn that music down, Jerry.” We spent all his birthdays at my aunt, uncle and grandparent’s summer cottages in Henderson Harbor, NY.  The only time during the … Continue Reading



After Andie was born nearly four months early, I longed for a woman who had walked in my shoes.  I needed someone to hold my hand and nod her head in understanding as I voiced my fears and uncertainty.  But that woman never arrived, and my loneliness, grief and fear took up residence just below … Continue Reading


Summer Shift

I couldn’t wait for the kids to get out of school for summer. To sleep in late, eat leisurely breakfasts without making lunches at the same time and not have to race to school before the 7:55 bell ran. After the end-of-year ceremony on Friday morning, we had a picnic back at our house for … Continue Reading

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