Entries by Kasey Mathews

Send in the Clowns

My husband grew up in a family of tricksters. We’d been dating a few months when he brought me home to meet his family. They lived on a dairy farm […]

Peeling Labels

The other day I had a conversation with a couple of ski team parents.  The mom was relaying a funny conversation she’d had with their 11-year-old son. He was urging […]


Every year I take the kids down to Florida to visit my Mom and Dad.  In anticipation of our visit, Mom always goes shopping and has gifts waiting for us.  […]

Welcome Home

The other day in yoga class, my teacher posed the question, “What is yoga to you?”  She wasn’t looking for any raised hands. The question was more of an offering, […]

Yoga, Celebrities, and God

Earlier this year, my sister and I went for a weekend of retreat and renewal at Kripalu, a yoga center in the Berkshires. I’d been to Kripalu several times, but […]

Clean Laundry, Clear Mind

Today I folded laundry… with mindfulness. I didn’t rush. I didn’t complain. I didn’t have a phone balanced between my ear and my shoulder. I just folded laundry. And I […]

Wishes Fulfilled

I have a secret.  Well, not exactly a secret, more of a secret talent. I don’t tell many people about it, until today, that is, when I decided to write […]

Birth and Blogging

I must admit… I was soooo anxious about starting a blog. I mean anxious enough, that it lingered in the back of my mind for many months as my website […]

Taking Down the Tree

As I took the first ornament off the tree, I felt a wave of sadness come over me. I didn’t expect to feel sad. Just yesterday I said how relieved I […]

Andie turned 10!

When your daughter begins life at a mere 1 pound 11 ounces, the age of ten is just something you just dream about. And then, there you are. Glow bowling.