Entries by Kasey Mathews

Are You Ready for a Seasonal Shift?

I don’t know about you, but I find seasonal shifts challenging, in particular, summer to fall. What about you? Are You Ready for a Seasonal Shift? Here we are, into […]

Stop Waiting and Start Living

I recently had an a moment that reminded me it was time to stop waiting and start living. It all began not too long ago when I saw a beautiful […]

Are You Trying too Hard?

What would you say if I told you that I have a simple and easy trick that will help you achieve what you’re striving to accomplish in your life? Well […]

Find Your Safe Space

Lately, my thoughts and focus have been on the idea of how you can find your safe space within your day to day life.  I’m always on the lookout for […]

2 Simple Words to Change Your Mindset

I am so excited to share 2 simple words to change your mindset! These “mindset changing” words came from a little moment of magic that happened in my world! I […]

My Favorite Decluttering Tool

The trees are budding, flowers are blooming, and I am feeling inspired by the beauty of nature around me. And… as I tend to do about this time every year, I’m […]

The Importance of Rest

After my recent laments about my children leaving the nest, I soon became aware deeply aware importance of rest in my life. I heard from many other women going through […]

An Empty Nest

I recently went through the poignant and often painful process of letting my adult children go as they forge their own paths out in the world. Facing an empty nest […]

My New Favorite Phrase

I recently heard a particular phrase and couldn’t wait to share it with you! It’s become my new favorite phrase! I’d certainly heard the phrase before, as most likely have […]

Are You Too Busy? Take a Self-Care Slow Down

Lately, whenever I ask folks how they’re doing, the standard answer seems to be…Busy. Are you too busy, as well? Well let me invite you to take a “self-care slow […]