Awaken Your Magic

Every day I consciously look for moments of magic in the midst of my often busy, sometimes crazy days. I hope my moments inspire you to look for your own…

Gap Year


Magical Moments Abroad

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-k3a43ohm’ admin_preview_bg=”] Did I tell you we flew over to Spain to see our Gap Year Girl? Oh the joy of seeing such transformation in this newly confident, emerging young woman! Of course our travels were full of many Magical Moments, and here are a few in particular … Continue Reading


Magical Moment: Will I Ever Stop?

Our daughter is traveling abroad on a Gap Year. My hubby and I were so excited when she called to catch up over video the other day! We sat side by side on the couch as close as we could to get both our faces in the screen and be able to see hers. Our … Continue Reading

Do You Need Permission?

So here we are. September has arrived. Classroom bells are ringing. Summer is in the rearview mirror. Many college-aged kids have flown the nest. And how does all of this leave you feeling? The other day I was sitting out in the backyard Adirondack chair, catching up on the phone with a friend. She brought … Continue Reading


Traveling – The Magic of Holding a Vision

Ever since Tucker left for his Gap year in England, I’d been counting down the days till our visit. In anticipation, I either wrote down, or said the following Intention out loud every day: “I am so delighted that our trip to England to visit Tucker was Magical and full of Ease and Joy.” Keep … Continue Reading

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