Awaken Your Magic

Every day I consciously look for moments of magic in the midst of my often busy, sometimes crazy days. I hope my moments inspire you to look for your own…

magic of motherhood


Magical Moment: Mamas

Sweet Friend, it’s Mama’s Day on Sunday! Have you done anything yet? My brother, sister and I have for our own Mama, but I can’t say because she reads this newsletter! Of course I have to promote and encourage you to send your Mom, and every Mama out there, my Mom’s Guide to Creating a … Continue Reading

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Magical Moment: Good News

Hi Sweet Friend! Last week I shared the newspaper article about my decision to give my books away to local moms. Here is a quick video of the Magical Moment that followed as a result. It totally made my heart sing, and I hope it does the same for you! Book Giveaway Magical Moment May … Continue Reading

Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

Magical Moment: Can You Be Certain?

Hey Sweet Friend, I’ve been thinking a lot about you and wondering how you are. How you’re adjusting to this “new normal.” So much of this time reminds me of when our daughter, Andie was born so prematurely. That was a time full of so much uncertainty. It was scary, confusing and exhausting. Just like … Continue Reading

Do You Need Permission?

So here we are. September has arrived. Classroom bells are ringing. Summer is in the rearview mirror. Many college-aged kids have flown the nest. And how does all of this leave you feeling? The other day I was sitting out in the backyard Adirondack chair, catching up on the phone with a friend. She brought … Continue Reading

Ask Yourself: What Do You Need

When our daughter was little, there were times when she was so out of sorts, I felt helpless in helping her. One day, I opened up to a friend and shared this with her. In return, she offered the suggestion of asking our girl the simple question – What do you need? That question became … Continue Reading

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Is Overwhelm a Choice?

Last Saturday morning the alarm rang at 4:30 am. A cold, dark sky met my view out the window. I rolled over and thought of all the reasons we should not be going to the scheduled weekend event. We’ve been traveling so much lately, the house is a mess, the kids are exhausted, I have … Continue Reading


My Boy’s Journey to Manhood

As my 18-year-old son prepares to graduate from high school in just a couple of weeks, a stroll down memory lane led to this piece I’d written six years ago. There’s such magic in seeing the connection between those boyhood moments and his emergence into manhood… When Tucker was a little guy, he’d fashion fishing poles out of sticks and … Continue Reading

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