Sweet Friend, it’s Mama’s Day on Sunday!
Have you done anything yet?
My brother, sister and I have for our own Mama, but I can’t say because she reads this newsletter!
Of course I have to promote and encourage you to send your Mom, and every Mama out there, my Mom’s Guide to Creating a Magical Life. It was made for this moment! Full of stories, exercises and ideas that encourage Moms to put themselves first for a change! One swipe of the keyboard and it can be in Mom’s mailbox by the weekend!
(Btw if you’re a grammar freak like me, I know the words Mom, Mama and Mother are not meant to be capitalized, but I do anyway because those words are too important not to! Agree?)
Many of you are Mamas, so what’s the plan for YOU this Sunday?
If you’re saying to yourself…
Oh, I’ll just wait and see what my hubby and kids come up with…
I encourage (beg) you to be a little more proactive than that!
Look, I love a plate of sticky, syrupy gluten-free pancakes in bed as much as the next Mama, but we’ve had a lot on our plate these days, and I don’t know about you (actually I think I do!) but I really need a break. If it takes a Hallmark holiday to get it, I’m going to claim it and milk it for all it’s worth ’cause come Monday, it’ll be back to three meals a day and lots of dishes.
So…the day is yours! What ‘cha thinking?
Hang on! Did I just hear you think, What would be fun for the kids?
No, Mama! What would be fun for you????
How about…
Sleeping till noon?
A morning movie in bed?
A quiet walk?
A family drive in the countryside with Bach streaming through the speakers?
A picnic lunch in a quiet park?
Your Day, Your Choice!
And for those of you that still need the reminder – Taking care of you is not selfish. The more you fill up your own cup, the more you have to share with others. Right?
Ok, this was a ball!!
I love this woman, Emily Aborn! She is a total dynamo! When she asked me to be on her podcast, I was beyond honored and excited!
I adored our conversation, and I know you will too!
There is a wonderful surprise for listeners – I created a brand new giveaway that you’re going to want to grab asap (especially these days!).
She Built This Podcast Interview
OK, Sweet Friend. Be well. Take good care of YOU. And please remember, I am here if you need support!
With love and blessings,