I love to write. It’s my favorite form of self-care.
And yet, so often my journals, notebooks, pens and pencils sit untouched.
Why do I resist what I know is so good for me?
Do you do the same?
This summer I’ve decided to give myself a challenge. Write every day, for 30 days in a row.
But who wants to take on a challenge alone? Not me.
So, I decided to invite a few friends.
They LOVED the idea and asked if they could invite a few of their friends.
I started to feel super excited that I wouldn’t be writing alone!
Then I took a walk. (That’s where most of my inspired ideas arrive!)
Why not make this an offering for lots of other people to join? I thought to myself.
And thus was born… The 30 Day Writing for Self-Care Summer Challenge!
Will you join me?
First of all, this is totally FREE. No catches. No offers. Just me looking to get writing and hoping others will feel inspired to join!
Every day, for 30 days, I’ll send you a self-care writing prompt. You’ll receive the prompt as an email, but the prompts will also be shared in our private Facebook group (totally optional to join).
The prompts are intentionally designed to excavate the thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires that often get pushed deep down inside where they gather dust in the dark.
Let’s bring them to light and make some magic!
How Do I Sign Up?
Simply click the link below and you’ll receive all the details in your inbox!