What to do when you’re feeling vulnerable?
For a lot of us, feeling vulnerable can stop us in our tracks.
But we don’t want to let that happen if we intend to live our best life, right?
My trick is that I try to get to the source of why I’m feeling vulnerable.
Here’s what I mean.
As most of you know by now, I recently launched a 30-Day Writing for Self-Care Challenge.
The challenge is off and running and going really well, but the truth is, it almost didn’t happen.
Creative Inspiration Arrived
The original idea for the writing challenge came to me on a walk.
The arrival of the idea initially brought much excitement and an influx of creativity.
I planned out daily prompts, created special cards and took photos of them in unique places.
But once the prompts were all chosen and it was time to send out the email invite, a teeny pit started to form in my belly.
“What if no one joins?” I thought to myself.
A picture emerged in my mind.
I was standing in the backyard. There were tables scattered across the lawn; one covered in drinks, one in desserts, another in little appetizers. I was in a long floral dress and had a huge smile on my face as I waited for everyone to show up. And I waited, and waited. But no one was arriving.
I stared out my office window and thought, “So what? I don’t care if anyone shows up.” And felt the old familiar amour of indifference blanketing my chest.
“Not this time,” I said out loud. “You’re not doing this. I DO care about this.”
Which meant I had work to do. I had to clear those fears and beliefs that were living in the recesses of my being, because I knew if I didn’t, I was on board the self-sabotage train and headed toward exactly what I didn’t want to see.
Later that day I utilized many of the tools I incorporate in my Transformational Life Coaching Sessions, including Ancestral Clearing, which, on that day, seemed to have the most profound effect.
It was in the middle of clearing those internal roadblocks, that I had a profound realization. I actually laughed out loud.
“This has nothing to do with me!” I shouted, upon which my pup, Georgie Girl jumped up and came running over.
As I rubbed her ears, I thought about all the times I’ve put myself out there, felt afraid, wanted to retreat and quit, and came back to my senses when I returned to my Why.
(I had gone through this exact scenario when I wrote my book, Preemie: Lessons in Love, Life and Motherhood)
This writing challenge was born out of my own desire to ignite my writing, but opening it up came from a desire to serve and inspire others and create a safe place to come together as a community.
I guess that’s reason enough to get out of my own way, right?
Which I did. And the challenge is off to a wonderful start, with over 275 amazing people from all over the world writing together!
And you are still more than welcome to join if it’s calling to your heart!

We all self-sabotage and the more we excavate our fears and bring them to light where they melt away in the daylight, the more we will all become the best versions of ourselves and inspire others to do the same.
I believe whole-heartedly that when we as individuals take time to focus on becoming that best version of ourselves, ripples go out from us and positively influence those around us.
It’s how YOU, as one individual, has the power to change the world.
You’ve got this!!!