Awaken Your Magic

Every day I consciously look for moments of magic in the midst of my often busy, sometimes crazy days. I hope my moments inspire you to look for your own…

Year: 2023

a women in a dress who decided to stop waiting and live fully

Stop Waiting and Start Living

I recently had an a moment that reminded me it was time to stop waiting and start living. It all began not too long ago when I saw a beautiful sundress online… The sundress was way more expensive than I would usually spend. Yet for a week I left it in the shopping cart and … Continue Reading

a woman who has stopped trying and is leaning into the energy of already is

Are You Trying too Hard?

What would you say if I told you that I have a simple and easy trick that will help you achieve what you’re striving to accomplish in your life? Well there is! It begins with this simple question – Are you trying too hard? The discovery of this method all began in a recent Transformational … Continue Reading

a writing prompt - I feel safe when

Find Your Safe Space

Lately, my thoughts and focus have been on the idea of how you can find your safe space within your day to day life.  I’m always on the lookout for life lessons – those little magical moments when I have an ‘ah ha’ and think – Oh, yes, that’s a good one! Well, our teachers … Continue Reading

a smiling woman after she changed her mindset with 2 simple words

2 Simple Words to Change Your Mindset

I am so excited to share 2 simple words to change your mindset! These “mindset changing” words came from a little moment of magic that happened in my world! I thought you may find it inspiring, too! It happened a few months ago. I was on the phone with a dear friend and chronicling all … Continue Reading

a writing prompt for internal decluttering

My Favorite Decluttering Tool

The trees are budding, flowers are blooming, and I am feeling inspired by the beauty of nature around me. And… as I tend to do about this time every year, I’m looking around my home and wondering – “Where did all this stuff come from?” Which prompts me to know it’s time to pull out my favorite … Continue Reading

A writing prompt to promote the importance of rest

The Importance of Rest

After my recent laments about my children leaving the nest, I soon became aware deeply aware importance of rest in my life. I heard from many other women going through the same journey. Their wisdom, kindness, and assurances that I am not alone, were exactly what my aching mama-heart needed to hear. Time for My … Continue Reading

A mom preparing for an empty nest

An Empty Nest

I recently went through the poignant and often painful process of letting my adult children go as they forge their own paths out in the world. Facing an empty nest can be a confusing and conflicting time. As always, it’s helpful to know you’re not alone on this journey. Here’s a bit of mine… Facing … Continue Reading

a writing prompt using my new favorite phrase both are true

My New Favorite Phrase

I recently heard a particular phrase and couldn’t wait to share it with you! It’s become my new favorite phrase! I’d certainly heard the phrase before, as most likely have you, and yet, this time it landed with a deep resonance. It emerged from a conversation about upcoming travel, when I expressed that, yes, I … Continue Reading

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