Embrace Aging and Enjoy Life More

Aging has been on my mind lately. I’ve been thinking a lot about how to embrace aging and fully and truly enjoy life more at every age and stage.

Most often I publish my written pieces here on the blog, yet I was thrilled to have an article called, On Vanity and Vulnerability, in which I explore fears and anxieties around aging, published on Medium.com.

Here is a short excerpt –

“While recently looking into the round makeup mirror on the shelf in my closet, I noticed the emergence of vertical lines on my upper lip.

I don’t think they’re necessarily new, but my attention on them certainly is.

I started researching serums, creams, lotions and everything else I could do to remedy them.

Every time I looked in the mirror, they were the first, and nearly only thing I noticed.

On a recent walk in the woods, rather than seeing the evergreen on the trees and the brightness of the snow, I realized I was thinking about the lines on my upper lip.”

Feeling Vulnerable Sharing Anxiety about Aging

Putting those words out in the world induced feelings of great vulnerability and anxiety, and which, once you read the full article, you’ll understand how ironic that is.

And yet, after the article was published, I heard back from so many women who could relate to my struggles about aging and we’re so open and happy to share their own.

the photo that accompanied the article On Vanity and Vulnerability

It’s Time to Embrace Aging and Enjoy Life More

Once again I was reminded that there is so much comfort in knowing we are not alone.

Each and every day, we’re all a day older. For some of us, we’re farther along the path, and aspects of aging are challenging to contend with.

And yet, what a gift and blessing it is to wake each and every day, wrinkles and all!

You can read the article here – Kasey Mathews Medium.com

I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.

You may also enjoy this recent post on How to Feel Better About Yourself!

An Alternative Word for Decluttering

It’s that time of year again when folks are starting to talk about decluttering their homes. But I always get stuck on the word “decluttering” and like to use an alternative word instead.

An Alternative Word for Decluttering

Instead, I prefer the term “Creating Space”, not wanting to unintentionally invite clutter in with the decluttering!  You know what I mean?

Years ago, when we first moved to New Hampshire, I was in complete overwhelm and hired a professional organizer to help me navigate my way through the myriad of boxes and belongings.

Uncertain what this process would be like, I assumed we would just start “decluttering” by throwing things away.

But that wasn’t true at all!

Instead, I learned so much from her, most importantly, the fundamental first step to creating an orderly home that I have used ever since!

One of My Favorite Decluttering Making Space Tips

Ready? Here it is:

Like goes with Like

Meaning, all the sports equipment is in one place. Everything photography related lives together. All the holiday decorations in one place. Gardening in another. Art supplies. Books. Office supplies. Pet stuff. And on and on.

Make sense?

Being organized isn’t about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person, it’s about living the way you want to live..but better.” Peter Mellen

an alternative word and way to declutter - like goes with like

How Does it Work?

The idea is to create segmented spaces within the home where similar items “live” together.

And if you know where it “lives”, you’ll know where to find it!

Once that is accomplished, the next step is to go through each area and purge what no longer serves.

I have another favorite tool for this second step that I’ll be sure to share in a future post!

Stop Decluttering, Instead Make Space

In the meantime, if you’re longing to create more space in your life right now, this is a wonderful place to begin.

Start slowly. Pick one group of items at a time. Choose the place that type of item will “live” and move everything related to that space.

Take it step by step and you’ll begin to notice some fantastic progress!

Keep me posted! As always, I’m here for support!

​What about you? Do you have any favorite space-making tips that have worked for you?

Please visit my Facebook Page and join the conversation!

And check out this recent blog post you may enjoy!

The Story I’m Telling Myself Is…

Is there a story you’re telling yourself?

photo of phrase "The Story I'm telling myself is..."

The story I’m telling myself is…

We all do it, right?

We tell ourselves stories in our own heads.

A moment happens, and you fill in the blank and tell yourself the rest of the story.

A story that may be far from the truth, but this filling in the blanks with meaning and interpretation is such a habit, you don’t even know you’re doing it.

She never replied to my text.

He didn’t call back.

I’m the only one who…

They’re all on vacation together and I am…

We fill in the blanks of our lives, with the stories we tell ourselves in our own heads.

But if you become aware of this habit, if you can catch the stories before they build on themselves and start to anchor in as a belief, you begin to free yourself.

Just play with this.

Resist the urge to judge yourself.

And notice how many times these “stories” involve Negative Self-Talk.

Just notice and become aware of the moments when you begin to tell yourself a story…

a story that may be all your own fabrication! 🙏🌸❤️

The story I’m telling myself is…

What stories are you telling yourself?

I’d love to hear!

Want to play over on social, you can find me on , or

Goodbye to the Year

Here we are, saying goodbye to the year.

And looking forward to the year to come.

I encourage you to find moments of quiet that allow for reflection upon the previous year…

… and take the time to set your intentions for the year to come.

Questions to Ask

What will 2022 look like for you?

What intentions do you wish to hold for yourself?

How do you want to feel in the coming year?

I like to choose a word or theme to represent each new year.

Choose a Word of the Year

About a week ago, as I was trying to decorate the house and plan for the holidays, my word for the coming year arrived loud and clear.


That is my word, theme and intention for 2022.

To trust, breathe and know that all is as it should be. To stop fretting, controlling and trying so hard.


I can’t wait to hear what your word, theme and/or intention for the new year will be!

In the meantime, my word for the new year wasn’t the only thing to arrive!

a woman holding a notebook for writing

A brand new 30-Day Writing Challenge arrived as well!!!

You can learn more about the challenge and reserve your spot here -The theme of this writing challenge is about bringing light into the darker, colder months.

30-Day Bring in the Light Winter Writing Challenge

If you wish to invite friends to join along, simply forward copy and paste the above link to share.

If you already know you’re ready to make serious changes in 2022, I have a coaching slot opening up in the new year.

Although my Discovery Sessions are all taken for December, several sessions were just added to the January 2022 calendar.

Grab your complimentary 45-minute session for January today –

Kasey Mathews Discovery Session

​Goodbye to the Year, Hello to all the goodness that is to come!

The Importance of Smiling

I believe the importance of smiling has never been greater than with all that’s happening in the world.

I’m tired of bad news. Everyone in my life feels the same way. What about you?

How about today we take a break from all that with a story?

A Story to Illustrate the Importance of Smiling

As a young teacher at a small, independent day school outside of Boston, I had to deliver a Wednesday morning assembly talk to the entire school.

Once a year, every faculty member was required to do so, and I, like many, dreaded this part of the job requirement.

Given the nature of the school and its curriculum, teachers often talked about morals and virtues; making the right choices even when it was hard to do so.

On the day of my allotted time, I stood up in front of the school after the hymns had been sung and talked about the contagious nature of smiling.

Behind me, I could feel the headmaster shift in his seat when I held up my homemade poster board – a drawing of a young girl with a missing tooth flashing a big smile.

I talked about brain chemistry and smiling and asked the entire school, headmaster included, to smile for ten seconds and see if it changed the way they felt.

One, two, three… by the time I got to five the auditorium was erupting in laughter, and I heard the headmaster clear his throat.

Six-seven-eight-nine-ten, I quickly called out.

“Okay, okay,” I said. “How good does that feel?”

Looking out into a sea of smiling faces – all the grades, all the stuffy, old teachers – I saw they were all smiling.

As I gathered up my papers, I dared to glance back over my shoulder and there was the headmaster, sitting in the same straight back wooden chair he’d been sitting in for 35 years of Wednesday morning assemblies, with quite a smile on his face.

Well, quite a smile for him!

Me, I couldn’t stop.

Nor could the school.

The energy in the school, from the classrooms, hallways, gymnasium and cafeteria, was vibrant and alive and so was I.

a dog smiling

Now it’s Your Turn to Give it a Try

Smile, even if you’re not feeling like doing so, and count to ten.

Then just notice how you feel!

​Our smiles. So simple. So powerful. So contagious. Please put yours to use today!

So, what has YOU smiling lately? Come on, there must be something! Please share!!! We need more smiles in the world right now!!!

Well I’d be so grateful to hear back from you about anything, big or small that’s making you smile these days!

Share as a reply to this email or on my Facebook Page!​

And be sure to check out my recent blog post How to Feel Better About Yourself? in case you missed it!

World Prematurity Day

It’s World Prematurity Day.

As you can imagine, this day in honor of prematurity awareness is near and dear to my heart. With Andie turning 21 this month, it’s especially poignant this year!

Recently I was visiting a dear friend in her new home in Plymouth, Massachusetts. As we drove the rural roads visiting farm stands and cranberry bogs, I shared memories of numerous visits to Plymouth when the kids were little.

With fragile lungs, Andie was at risk from a common cold, so in turn Tucker stayed home from preschool, and I created a “homeschooling” preschool, which included several trips to the reenactment village of Plymouth Plantation.

One particular November day really stands out. The kids were bundled in thick coats, hats and mittens and after stirring soups and helping saw logs at the plantation, we headed to the Mayflower. It was late afternoon and close to dark as we disembarked from the ship.

The kids were tired and it was time to head home, yet a crowd was gathering nearby. So with Andie in my arms and Tuck holding my hand we headed in that direction. A man was hurrying that way, and I asked him what was happening.

“I’m from the March of Dimes” he said, shifting his clipboard to his other hand in order to shake mine. “It’s World Prematurity Day and we’ve lit up Plymouth Rock in the signature purple.”

I stopped right where I was standing.

I squeezed Andie more tightly as chills covered my being from head to toe.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

I could hardly speak, but managed to tell him that the young child in my arms had been born at 25 weeks, weighing just over a pound and a half.

He reached out and squeezed my hand. “Please join us,” he said, and together we walked over to join the crowd gathered around the purple rock.

Preemie Magic.

a mother holding a premature baby in honor of world prematurity day

We experienced more “Preemie Magic” recently when Andie and I were interviewed on the  Mothers and Daughters Podcast.


Mothers and Daughters podcast episode


The timing felt remarkable and so special given her big birthday!

The best part was hearing from the kid’s most wonderful babysitter who arrived in our lives like an angel soon after Andie returned from the hospital.

“I enjoyed this very special podcast this morning, sipping coffee, watching the November sun stream through the kitchen windows. Your story is magnificent and I never tire of hearing it. Yours is the voice of advocacy, instinct, and peace in the midst of chaos. Your story should be required listening for anyone dealing with life coming out not as intended. You’re an incredible story-teller and person, and what a treat to hear your girl and her perspective! I loved hearing Andie’s “grown up” voice (I still see her scrunch her face and say “Tuuckeerrrrrrrr!”) Love and gratitude to you both.”

Please note: This podcast is our story, told from Andie and my perspective and may be triggering for those who have experienced loss. If you’re seeking support in that area, please reach out as I am happy to share resources.

Over 15 million babies are born prematurely each year. The impact on families is significant. If you or someone you know is needing support, please reach out. You are not alone. I’m here to offer support or direct you to resources that can help.

With blessings on World Prematurity Day.

How to Feel Better About Yourself

Ready to feel better about yourself?

It’s simpler than you may imagine!

My Trick for Feeling Better about Myself

As a Transformational Life Coach, it is important to me to walk the talk.

So what does that look like in my day to day life?

I have a daily exercise practice.

I have a daily practice to sit in quiet and make time for my thoughts.

And I look for areas in my life that are not entirely aligned with the message I want to convey to myself and others.

Think about areas in your life that you wish to improve.

Identify those areas, take a step back, and see what tools you could utilize to bring that area in line with the areas that are working well.

What Changes Will Help You Feel Better?

For you, it may be meal time. Or exercise. Or online organization. Or household organization. This is the place, when you really look at it, you mostly look away.

I came to realize that place in my life was my closet.

It was stuffed with way too many dresses, pants, shirts, shoes, bags and scarfs that no longer served me, yet still took up precious closet space.

More importantly, what I realized is that this is a space in which I spend time every day, and the messages I was sending myself were – You’re a mess. You’re sloppy. You’re not important to me.

What We Put Out is Mirrored Back

You see what we put out is mirrored back to us.

So in that case, whether I was conscious of it or not, those were the subtle messages I was receiving each morning as I entered my overstuffed closet.

Yet once that was in my consciousness I felt inspired to get to work.

I implemented one of my favorite exercises that I share in my book, A Mom’s Guide to Creating a Magical Life.

It’s a Feng Shui method of clutter clearing, or as I prefer to say, Space Making!

For 9 days I removed 27 items from my closet.

Marie Kondo’s method for deciding what to keep came in handy, although if you’re familiar with her work, there was no way in hell I was totally emptying out all the contents of my closet!

I touched each object and really asked myself if it brought me joy, or not.

Even if it still had the tags on it. Even if the voice in my head said, “Hey but you spent so much on that,” I decided to let it go.

empty hangers in a newly cleaned out closet to feel better

Since then I’ve brought three bags of clothes to my two favorite consignment shops and built up quite a balance to play with in the future.

And I’m happy to report there is so much space to receive a new items that bring me joy.

Now each day when I walk in my closet I delight at the order, the arrangement of colors and most importantly the message I’m sending to myself: I care about you.

My invitation to you.

Take a step back and look through new eyes.

What area of your life is dragging you down?

Are you ready to give it your attention and make a shift?

What are the messages you’re wishing to offer yourself?

I’d love to hear!

In the meantime, I’m off to clean out all the clutter that has accumulated in my car!

Ready to Feel Better About Yourself and Love Your Life?

If you’re tired of feeling inspired to make big changes only to feel disappointed when it doesn’t happen? I get it.

So do who finally decided they were ready to get the guidance they needed to make true and lasting change.

I would love to gift you a and help you discover how to create the life you’ve longer for.

What are you waiting for?

Overcoming the Challenge of Change

woman with head out care window driving down smooth road after changes

It’s inevitable. As we move through life we encounter change. Yet there is a simple key to overcoming the challenge of change and not becoming resistant and falling victim to the changes.

A Story to Illustrate

Recently I was sitting in traffic in a spot where the roads have been under construction, aka in the midst of change!

A man in a bright orange vest held up a stop sign. I let out a long slow breath. With no other way around, it was going to be a while.

“What a mess,” I thought, watching the dump trucks drive along the shoulder kicking up stones and dirt.

​Then for a brief moment, I saw a glimpse of the road after all these changes were complete.

Traffic was flowing. Relaxed drivers no longer clenched their steering wheels. Everything was moving smoothly.

“What a perfect metaphor for life,” I thought.​

Sometimes life can be so messy.

Especially when we don’t feel equipped to overcome the challenges that arise with change.

When we’re going through times of change and life feels like a construction zone, frustration, anger, and fear can make it hard to imagine smooth roads in the future.

Of course we look for other ways around, but often the only way to the other side is to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

That’s our work.

Living life, encountering change and pushing forward.

The Key to Overcoming the Challenge of Change

One of the best ways you can help yourself during these times is by holding the vision of life on the other side of the struggle.

Just like I did in the midst of that road construction (and when I had a premature baby).

Forward progress is hard work and requires a lot of time, energy and sometimes it creates a big mess.

But as we’ve seen in the past, continuing to strive forward will eventually lead to clear, smooth, open roads.

Until the next season of change and challenge comes along…

and yet, I believe it’s there, in the midst of change and challenge where we find our greatest strengths and learn and grow.


text about overcoming change


If you’re looking for more inspiration, be sure to visit my Instagram page! 

Do Thoughts Create Reality?

If I had to choose one single lesson to convey from my Transformational Life Coaching practice, it would be in response to the question “Do Thoughts Create Reality?”

My one simple answer is an unequivocal Yes. Your thoughts really do create your reality!

Here is a recent story in my own personal life that illustrates this case in point.

Proving Myself Right

The other day I was packing up the car for a road trip. It was going to be at least a five hour drive and we had to travel at night.

“Ugh, this is going to be the worst,” I muttered to myself while throwing a duffel bag into the back. I’d been dreading the drive for days.

But as I closed the hatch and stepped away from the car, I caught myself. This was an old pattern that I’d been trying to change creeping back in.

What I realized in that moment was that I was already creating “my truth” before the road trip had even begun. And once my reality had become my truth, I was sure as heck going to prove myself right.

I think most of us do this same type of thing quite a bit.

“Ugh, (fill in the blank) is going to be horrible/hard/long/scary/boring…
and once we’ve predetermined how an experience is going to be, we unconsciously set up the world around us to prove ourselves right.

Your Thoughts Do Create Your Reality

So here’s my invitation to you…

Pay attention. Notice when and where you have thoughts that may be creating a reality that you DO NOT wish to see.

And the next time you hear yourself creating that future truth, allow yourself to stay open to the possibility that with this new awareness and letting go of the need to prove yourself right, you may just end up being proven pleasantly wrong.

Our road trip turned out exactly that way!

Our son, Tucker called an hour into the trip and reported how the first couple innings of the Red Sox game had gone.

And for the next seven innings, he stayed on the phone and commentated the entire game for us, play by play!

That car drive flew by and the trip I’d been dreading is now a wonderful memory.

Think thoughts that create the reality use wish to see!

Think thoughts that create the reality use wish to see, like this amazing van!

Not my car, but a girl can dream, right?

Want more moments of inspiration in your days? Let’s play over on my Instagram Page!

What To Do When Someone Bothers You

Are you ready to learn what to do when someone bothers you?

Are you tired of just sticking your head in the sand and hoping that person will drop out of your life?

Then I have a simple tool to help you deal when someone is bothering you.

Ask yourself this:

Is there someone in my life getting under my skin these days?

A friend? Family member? Colleague?

They begin to speak and in your head you think, “Here we go again,“ or something along those lines?

Ugh. It never feels good to be in that place, does it?

If you’re ready to make a shift and take a different approach…

I’d like to share a tool I have found most helpful in these situations.

When your hear that negative voice in your head speaking up in regard to someone else…

1. Turn the mirror back on yourself

2. Ask yourself this simple question –

What about this person is being reflected back in me?

look back on self when someone bothers you

Most often what bothers us most in others, is something that bothers us about ourselves.

That friend who’s always interrupting in the middle of a conversation?

Oh wait, yeah, I tend to interrupt conversations and know this is something I need to work on.

There’s Dad on the phone again, telling me what to do.

Oh yeah, there I am on the phone with my kid, telling him what to do.

That woman at work who is always…

Are you picking up what I’m putting down?

Yes, I am inviting you to regard your frustration, aggravation and annoyance toward others as a gift and opportunity!

Hey, did you just roll your eyes at me?

Come on. Just give it a try and see what happens (and be sure to let me know!!!)

Put the question in your back pocket and pull it out the next time frustration with someone else arises.

What is this person mirroring back to me that I don’t care for about myself?

By taking responsibility for our own stuff we’re practicing forgiveness and compassion to ourselves and others, and it’s just another little way we as individuals can make the world a bit of a better place!

Want more inspiration? Check out my Instagram Page! 

And if you’re ready to take your life to a whole new level of Magical, schedule a free Discovery Session Today!