Awaken Your Magic

Every day I consciously look for moments of magic in the midst of my often busy, sometimes crazy days. I hope my moments inspire you to look for your own…

Year: 2022

flowers and the phrase slowing down is self-care

Are You Too Busy? Take a Self-Care Slow Down

Lately, whenever I ask folks how they’re doing, the standard answer seems to be…Busy. Are you too busy, as well? Well let me invite you to take a “self-care slow down.” Everybody is Busy Yup. It’s that time of year again. And we’re not even into the holiday season. Yup I get it. But, hang … Continue Reading

writing to find answers in times of uncertainty

How to Manage Times of Uncertainty

As life tends to do from time to time, it has delivered a hard moment in my life. And this current moment prompted me to think about how to manage times of uncertainty and share the tool with YOU, that I most often turn to in these times of need. Here in New Hampshire the … Continue Reading

a list of 7 types of rest

7 Types of Rest

Did you know there are 7 types of rest? That is according to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith who shares this brilliant wisdom in her book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity. We Need Rest Based on the number of you who wrote back in response to my most recent blog post … Continue Reading

giving myself permission to rest on the couch with my dog, Georgie Girl

Give Yourself Permission to Rest

Truth be told, I’ve been really tired lately. But the little voice in my head keeps whispering, “Go, go, go.”  Is yours too? Is it time to give yourself permission to rest? Lately, the little voice inside my head has been urging me to reach out to you through the blog. “Come on, stay in … Continue Reading

woman sitting in peace near water

Peace Begins with You

With all the craziness in the world, it can feel hopeless sometimes. We all long for a more peaceful world, yet wonder what can I do? This is my story of the moment I came to learn that rather than looking out there for peace, peace begins with you.  Our Weekend Away The kids were still … Continue Reading

Share what you have to offer (1)

The Power of Gateless Writing

In the fall of 2021 I discovered the power of Gateless Writing when I received my Gateless Teacher Training Certificate. “Founded by award-winning author and book midwife, Suzanne Kingsbury, Gateless Writing is a methodology that uses creative brain science, ancient Zen, and highly-effective craft tools + resources to move you beyond the conditioned, critical mind … Continue Reading

Kasey Mathews host of Women's Lakeside Retreat Weekend in Bradford, N.H.

Women’s Lakeside Weekend Retreat June 2022

All the information for my Women’s Lakeside Weekend Retreat June 10th – 12th, 2022 held on the shores of Lake Todd, in Bradford, New Hampshire can be found here – June Women’s Lakeside Retreat!  The dream of hosting a Retreat for Women has lived in and on my heart for Sometime, but I was always waiting … Continue Reading


Mother’s Day Reflections

My Mother’s Day Reflections have been filling my heart and mind with peace and happiness. It was such a treat to travel back to my childhood home and spend Mother’s Day with my Mom. Pandemic life had kept visits far too infrequent and it felt amazing to finally gather and celebrate! We went to one … Continue Reading

enjoy your life now because life is the party

Enjoy Your Life Now

If there is anything we’ve learned from the past two years experiencing a global pandemic is that we should enjoy life in the here and now. Why wait for someday when we now know how easily those somedays can be taken away? Stop Putting Everything off till Someday Fourteen years ago, when we found that … Continue Reading

creating space through clutter clearing

Too Much Stuff, Not Enough Space

Are you also dealing with too much stuff and not enough space in your house these days? Is all that “stuff” weighing you down and keeping you from enjoying the Magic in your life? Fear not, my friend! I have a quick, easy and fun solution to help you clear all that clutter from your … Continue Reading

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