An Interview with My Boy

Sometimes I write over on the website, Preemie Babies 101.

Last week, I posted an interview I did with Tucker, asking him about his experience as the big brother to a preemie.

HIs answers were so clear, so honest, so dear, that I just had to share the interview over here with you.

I’m including the first couple questions below, but to read the entire interview, please click on over to Preemie Babies 101 website.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on his responses.  You can either leave a comment below or on the preemie babies site.

I hope you have a great day!

An Interview with a Preemie Sibling

Tucker, what do you remember most about Andie’s birth?

I don’t really remember much.  I was too young.  I think I remember staying with a lot of different people.  I think if I’d been older I could have remembered more.  And I didn’t really know what was going on.

What one word would you use to describe that time in your life?


(To read the rest of our interview, please click here.)

What about you?  Have you ever thought about interviewing your own kid? If so, what questions would you ask?

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