Do you or anyone you know find yourself overwhelmed by fear? If so, I wrote an article on EMDR therapy that you may find really helpful.
It’s posted today over on the Preemie Babies 101 Website. Please know that EMDR is not just for parents of premature babies. EMDR is wonderful resource for anyone working toward overcoming trauma.
Here’s a bit of the article. If you want to read more, please click the link below to read the rest.
“I entered our local grocery store, only to have my eye catch the front page of a Boston newspaper. A photo of a large hypodermic needle and the big, bold letters across the front page read “Swine Flu…” but before I could read the rest, my knees buckled and I had to hold on to a nearby display rack to keep from falling over.
“I can’t live this way anymore,” I hissed at myself. Then I stood up straighter, pulled my shoulders back and said it again. “I can’t live this way anymore.”
I turned around and left the store, dialing the phone number of my friend. When I asked if she could help me find a good therapist (she works as a grief counselor) she suggested I look into EMDR therapy.
And I did…”
A Need For Change: EMDR Therapy
If you want more information or have further questions about my experience with EMDR, I’m happy to answer as best I can. Either leave a comment over on the preemiebabies101 blog post, here on this post, or you can email me at premature
With blessings,