It’s finally here! The day Preemie makes her way out into the world! In many ways, Preemie feels like a third child. Our first born arrived on his due date, our second came a wee bit early (!!) and this third baby… well it kind of feels like a scheduled c-section! All weekend I’ve been cleaning bookshelves and the back corners of closets and file drawers, trying to get everything just perfect! And now the day is here. And, as with everything else in life, it will be perfect in it’s own imperfect way!
We’re having a book launch bash tonight – so if you’re anywhere nearToadstool Bookshop in Milford, NH, please join us! I follow up with photos so even if you’re not there, you’ll feel a bit like you were!
It feels a little strange to celebrate the arrival of this new baby (book) because my first born, Tuck, just left this am for a week long trip to Quebec City with his 7th grade class. I want my boy here. With me. I always do. But he’s with all his friends and I have to trust that he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be.
Thinking of him, reminded me of this beautiful note he wrote to me three years ago when the future of Preemie was so uncertain.
It’s small and hard to read on the blue paper, so here is what it says:
Hi mom! I hope you are having a good time here in Bradford, because I am. I hope your book gets published. A lot of people like your book so I think it is going to be great. Did you know I am making a comic. Maby I can send you a comic strip. Gess what I wished that your book would get published and I won with the wish bone. Love your son Tucker.
And there at the bottom of the page is his piece of the wish bone, attached with masking tape.
His wish, and mine, came true.
So, without further ado, please join me in welcoming this new baby into the world!
My dear high school friend Renee has a phenomenal blog and posted an interview she did with me, asking lots of really insightful questions! Check it out, leave a comment ’cause she’s giving a book away, and be sure to start following her blog!
And thanks. You’ve all held my hand for so long.
I’m utterly grateful.