(Excerpted from my book, Preemie: Lessons in Love, Life and Motherhood)
Lee and I were lying in bed when our bedroom door flew open, and Andie walked in. I gasped. Her beautiful blond hair was hacked into a jagged, horrible mess. Walking right over to my side of the bed, she ceremoniously delivered her shorn locks in a velvet purse from her dress-up box.
Tucker had cut her a set of bangs. But this time, Andie had managed to create the worst-looking haircut in history; nearly scalping her left side, cutting a crooked line across her forehead, and shearing the crown so her hair stuck up like a baby chick. She’d left the back long, like an 80s’ rock star.
My mom came two days later, and as we walked Andie toward her preschool door, she doubled over, laughing so hard that she had to wipe the tears from her eyes. “What’s so funny?” I asked.
She pointed to a sign posted on the door. “Today is Picture Day!”
And so it was…
And I couldn’t be more grateful to have that TREASURE of a picture!
And, if you read my book, you know that’s when I thought I’d declared war with a ghost. But that’s a story for another day!